Welcome to The Mark of Joy. I document my adventures in travel, and capture the joy I find.
On top of the world at Cannon mountain
Domestic travel- even the words used to make me cringe. I don't even know why or how it got started. The majority of the trips I took with my family were here in the United States, and they are some of my most cherished memories and favorite adventures.
For the last 10 years, I've limited the majority of my travel to outside of the US. But then I woke up to see the beauty that was literally right here on our soil. When I think about the extensive adventure this country offers, I feel bad that I've shunned it for as long as I have. It is time I create a home on this blog for United States travel.
The view of Dorchester Bay, flying into Boston
I read a quote recently that said "Happiness is not about getting what we want, it's about appreciating what we have." Our country, even with its political challenges, national disasters, and senseless tragedies is still a beautiful place. I'm so excited to share the joy I find here and help people begin to talk about what we LOVE versus what we hate here at home. The joy is in the world right in front of me, here at home.
Wine tasting in Napa